サイズ | material : ベイヒバ | yellow cedar size : [直径 130mm, 厚さ 13mm] [Φ130mm, t 13mm] 付属品 / accessories ・ロゴ入り貼り箱 / Box [縦:L 115mm, 幅 : W 165mm, 厚さ: T 35mm] ・陶器スタンド/Pottery stand [縦,幅 : L,W 40mm, 厚さ : T 15mm] ・アロマオイル / Aroma oil [ 5ml] |
注意点 | ■使用上の注意 ・使用するアロマは、柑橘系などのアロマ自体に色味がついているものだとシミの原因になります、ご使用は避けてください。 また、一度に大量のアロマの塗布もシミの原因になります。 ・アロマを何度も塗布し続けると、他の部分よりも全体的に木材の色味が濃くなります。ご了承ください。 ・表面塗装をしていない木材のため、水洗いや丸洗いは絶対にしないでください。(直射日光の当たる場所、水回りでの使用も避けてください。) ・アロマを塗布する場所は、本体の縁にしていただき、念の為木材のつなぎ目は避けるようにお願いいたします。白木のため、アロマの水分の膨張などで、本体の品質が保てなくなる場合がございます。 ■Please read before you use... ・Avoid a aroma oil of citrus and to drop large quantity of aroma at one time because that will be case to make stains on wood. ・You definitely can not wash it in water because it made of plain wood. [Avoid Fire, Direct sunlight and Moist space] ・Avoid drop aroma oil to junctions of KUMIKO for maintaining a quality of it. |
備考 | ■Sold out の商品は、受注注文承ります! ご注文から約1ヶ月で届けいたします。 お気軽にお問い合わせからご連絡ください。 ■You can order some items that is made-to-order signed "sold out"!! And it will take about 1month from receiving the order to delivering them. If you would like to purchase, please let us know by e-mail. |
送料・お届け |
This is the KUMIKO aroma wood that you can enjoy a special aroma with smell of tree.
All you have to do is drop the aroma oil on KUMIKO.
If you have children, you can use safely it because it don't need any fire or power.
You can thoroughly enjoy some charms of KUMIKO and wood by simple design.
A outer frame is shaped hexagonal, and it looks like turtle shell. The turtle and crane symbolize longevity
in Japan, so it has been regarded as lucky charm since a lot time ago.
A stand and Aroma oil are included, so this craft is perfect for a special gift!
*Please check how to use them at the page of "Aroma wood" on our web site before you use.
*陶器スタンド 緑/ピンク/白 (画像4枚目)
・若竹 / 男女問わず人気 やさしい香り
・紫陽花 / 花らしいフレッシュな香り
・藤 / 香りの持続性の高い、甘い香り
■Please read before complete your order...
A pottery stand and an aroma oil are included. You can choose them each three types of them!
*Pottery stands Green/ Pink/ White
*Aroma oil (These are Blend oil, not essential oil. )
・Bamboo /Regardless of age or gender, Soft fragrance
・Hydrangea /Fresh fragrance like flower
・Wisteria / Sweet fragrance